HW8 due Dec 2 @ 11:59pm.
Today’s (Thu, 12/1) office hours: 2pm-3pm. On Zoom:
Final week office hours (changed): Tue (12/6) 10am-12pm, Thu (12/8) 10am-12pm. Zoom:
Teaching evaluation (if you haven’t done so).
Homework feedback
HW6: Q7(2): all solutions can be characterized as ``a particular solution + any vectors in the null space”. Q7(3): exclude the possibility of zero solution; we don’t have the essential disjointness of column space and null space, unless it’s a symmetric matrix; if there’s a non-zero solution, then $u$ is in the column space and thus a linear combination of $v$ and $w$, conflicting with the linear independence.
HW6 Q8: $A$ may not be a square matrix. Need to show $Ax \ne 0$ for any $x \ne 0$.
HW6 Q10: need to show that the Rayleigh quotient achieves the maximal value.
HW7 Q1.
HW7 Q2.3 orthogonal projector.
HW7 Q3.
HW8 Q2.
HW8 Q1: How to use Cholesky factor to check optimality of sigma/covariance matrix
HW8 Q4.2: how to use the SVD of $\tilde{Y}^T \tilde{X}$?
HW8 Q6.1 part 3 and 4 (can you also redo part 1 and 2 also?)
Tips for surviving graduate coursework
Start hw early. Time your work.
Use every office hour.
Ask questions in class and in office hours.
Learn to typeset math (Quardro, RMarkdown, Jupyter Notebook, LaTeX). Treat homework as writing exercises.